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Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars v1.09 German (Standard Edition) Patch

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Game: Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
Platform: PC
File type: Patch
Date added: Oct 30, 2007
Downloads: 552

This v1.09 patch for the German Standard Edition of Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars features a host of bug fixes and balance changes.

Patch details:

Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars(tm)
Version 1.09 Patch Notes - October, 2007

This patch for Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars fixes several
bugs, makes balance changes across all three sides, adds a
new four-player multiplayer map, and more.

· Fixed an error that sometimes caused players to unexpectedly
type-select multiple unit types at once due to an interface lag
when rapidly switching between unit types during online play.

· Structures now lose Ground Control radius as soon as they are
destroyed. Previously they continued providing Ground Control for
several seconds while their husks remained onscreen.

· Fixed an error that caused some infantry units to continue
approaching their targets while firing, rather than firing
while standing at their maximum range.

· Fixed an error that caused upgraded Power Plants and Reactors to
continue providing power for several seconds after being destroyed.

· Fixed an error that allowed players to detect enemy structures
through the shroud by using the Set Rally Point marker.

· Fixed an error that caused computer-controlled players with the
"Turtle" personality to not build base defenses as expected.

· Nod Avatar's flamethrower upgrade now correctly shows a
garrison-clearing effect.

/New Map: Wrecktropolis/
The ongoing conflict between the forces of GDI, the Brotherhood
of Nod, and the Scrin have taken a tremendous toll on the world,
as evidenced by countless ruined husks of cities. Wrecktropolis
is one such example. This is a four-player map available for
unranked matches.

/Rebalanced Map: Barstow Badlands/
This map is now slightly larger: There is more buildable area
near players' starting bases, and the chokepoints are not as
narrow. Garrisonable structures should now be symmetrical for
both players.

/Rebalanced Map: Tournament Tower/
This map no longer has a third-tier elevation level in the center
of the map, which frees up this area for battle. Expansion
Tiberium fields switched from blue to green. Various objects
throughout the map have been removed to free up room for base
building and combat.

/Rebalanced Map: Pipeline Problems/
This map no longer has pipelines near the northern starting
position, to mirror the layout of the southern starting position.

/Rebalanced Map: Tiberium Gardens III (Kane Edition)/
This Kane Edition map no longer has Tiberium fields along the
narrow ridges. New expansion fields have been added to the far
side of each basin containing a player position.

The following balance changes are intended to make resource-
gathering more strategic and artillery units more viable, while
also further tuning the combat forces to ensure even balance
across all three factions in any combination.

/General Balance Changes/

· Harvesters: Carrying capacity reduced by 42% to 1400 credits of
green crystals and 2800 credits of blue crystals. Gathering cycle
sped up by 8 seconds. Overall rate of income reduced by
approximately 35%.

· GDI MCV, Nod MCV, Scrin Drone Platform: Cost/Build time
increased by 40% to 3500/35, health and speed normalized.

· Outposts: Health increased by 5%. This prevents them from being
destroyed by one use of the Nod Shadow Team's Explosive Charges.

/GDI Balance Changes/

· Grenadier Squad: Range increased by 20%.

· Commando: Suppression time reduced by 70%. This means the
Commando can use his C4 Charges to demolish multiple structures
more quickly.

· Juggernaut: Range increased by 25%.

· Mammoth Tank: Turret turn rate reduced by 66%. This makes the
vehicle slightly less effective at quickly changing targets.

· Sonic Emitter: Attack power reduced by 25%. This means the
Sonic Emitter can no longer one-shot-kill certain vehicles.

/Brotherhood of Nod Balance Changes/

· Crane: Health increased by 50%, normalizing its health with
that of the GDI Crane and Scrin Foundry.

· Fanatics: Cost/Build time reduced by 13% to 700/7.

· Commando: Suppression time reduced by 70%. This means the
Commando can use her C4 Charges to demolish multiple structures
more quickly.

· Attack Bike: Range increased by 16%.

· Stealth Tank: Attack power increased by 66%.

· Beam Cannon: Range increased by 25%. This does not affect the
Avatar's extra weapon gained from commandeering a Beam Cannon.

· Avatar: Health increased by 25%. Pre-attack delay reduced by
33%. Main weapon's attack power increased by 25%.

· Confessor: Upgrade no longer provides a rate-of-fire bonus to
affected infantry squads.

· Tiberium Infusion: Upgrade bonus to infantry squads' health
reduced by 60%.

· Catalyst Missile: Support Power cost increased by 33% to 2000.

· Tiberium Vapor Bomb: Support Power cooldown time increased by
25% to 300. Attack power increased by 140%.

/Scrin Balance Changes/

· Disintegrators: When crushed by enemy vehicles, attack power of
explosive revenge attack increased by 30%.

· Seeker: Health reduced by 13%.

· Devastator Warship: Range increased by 20%. Rate of fire
reduced by 200%. Attack power increased by 100%. Scatter radius

· The Swarm: Support Power can no longer be used directly on top
of infantry and vehicles. Cooldown time increased by 66% to 150.
Now spawns 5 Buzzers instead of 7.

· Phase Field: Support Power no longer affects infantry. Cooldown
time reduced by 50% to 180.

· Tuning to Classic Command & Conquer (Left-Click Orders)
mouse interface: Bridges are no longer selected in favor of
issuing move orders. Players can now issue orders on the Radar.

· There is a new Fast-Forward button onscreen while watching
Replays or BattleCasts.


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