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GTA IV sets UK single day sales record

DVDBack23 @ Apr 30, 2008 22:01 | 12 comments

According to Chart-Track, GTA IV has shattered previous launch day sales records in the UK, selling 610,000 units on its first day. The data is based on EPoS data and retailer estimates.

The previous UK sales record was 501,000 units, following the launch of GTA: San Andreas in 2004.

The game also set a new record for one day Xbox 360 software sales, moving 335,000 units. The old record was set last September at 266,000 with the release of Halo 3.

The PlayStation 3 sales record was completely shattered with the PS3 version of the game selling 275,000 copies. The previous record was a lowly 80,000 set last month with the release of Gran Turismo 5: Prologue.

Chart-Track says the figures are very accurate but will not be completely official until the group "has analyzed the data in its entirety on May 6 following the UK Bank holiday."

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Comment by: lecsiy (Apr 30, 2008 22:28)

The PS3 version of the gaming selling 275,000 copies.

Xbox 360 software sales, moving 335,000 units.

As an xbox fan. :-D Sums that up!

Haha, both systems, its a great game though!

Comment by: DoomLight (Apr 30, 2008 23:42)

i wanna know what the US sales data was. and then worldwide. cause so far as i play the game. its pretty good. graphics as well. its a hit in my book

Comment by: tyrant897 (May 01, 2008 00:38)

The PS3 version of the gaming selling 275,000 copies.

Xbox 360 software sales, moving 335,000 units.

As an xbox fan. :-D Sums that up!

Haha, both systems, its a great game though!

? sums up what? that with a year+ market advantage it only did 60k units more? =), I expected at least double hehe

teasing aside , I agree great game regardless of system you own

Comment by: hulud86 (May 01, 2008 03:51)

It was a hard decision for me when i was at GameStop to pre-order GTA IV for the PS3 or the Xbox 360. I decided to go with the 360 mainly because of the exclusive content that will be available in 4 to 6 months for the Xbox 360. I was not disappointed, this game is freakin awesome with the 360!

Comment by: nobrainer (May 01, 2008 05:55)

Originally posted by lecsiy:
its a great game though!

I'm waiting for the pc ver so i can enjoy 1920 by 1200 resolution, faster frame rates, longer draw distance and user generated FREE content/mods, maps weapons, vehicles, ect.

BTW, its a good job you have the 360 version as because of the lock ups and lesser resolution on the ps3 copy.

There is an update on GTA4 over at gamepro and its not good news again for the ps3, i thought that the cell was easy to programme for?

PlayStation 3 version only: Resolution, online issues hamper GTA IV experience

Originally posted by gamepro link:
Maybe there IS a difference after all: Reports confirm online issues and less-than-HD 640p resolution for the PS3 version of Grand Theft Auto IV.

Can't really make out this image. Is it only 640p?

When it isn't locking up your system with inexcusable game-ending glitches, Grand Theft Auto IV, for all intents and purposes, has delivered as advertised.

That is, if you're playing the Xbox 360 version.

Confirmed reports today have laid two additional issues at the feet of the PS3 version of GTA IV. These issues include inaccessible online play and a less-than-true-HD 640p resolution.

Sony is aware of the online problems, read a post over at Kotaku, but Rockstar so far has not responded to their inquiries. The GTA IV servers are hosted by Gamespy.

As for the resolution issue, several outlets have confirmed the PS3 version runs at 640p, compared to the Xbox 360's HD 720p. Before you go stringing up Sony and Rockstar for the gaff, however, remember that Halo 3 experienced the same un-HD treatment when it launched in 2007.

It should also be noted that neither version runs at 1080p, the resolution most touted by both Microsoft and Sony in the run up to the "next generation console war." Maybe GTA IV could come out for Wii after all?


The PlayStation 3 sales record was completely shattered with the PS3 version of the game selling 275,000 copies. The previous record was a lowly 80,000 set last month with the release of Gran Turismo 5: Prologue.

only 80,000 ppl purchased the demo then, i bet sony are rubbing their head about those disappointing sales, but i suppose they get to flog the same game to the same ppl all over again when the real title is released.

The IFPI Are: The same anti consumer lot as listed above!

Comment by: wolf503 (May 01, 2008 10:54)

i have no idea wot u guys r on about, i bought it, played it for 10hrs straight when i got it and i didnt notice no frame rate crap or anything. i play on an analogue TV and it looks awsum so i really want to see it on a HD TV. either way tho its a F****** AWSUM GAME!!!

Comment by: ck44 (May 01, 2008 18:59)

yea, i bought it for the xbox360 too because of the exclusive content coming for it, 10 hours of whole new gameplay was what changed my mind :D

Comment by: saltynuts (May 02, 2008 00:48)

something i dont understand i do recall people saying that GTA4 would be crap on the 360 because it was not on a blu-ray disk but from what i can see side by side the 360 version looks and plays just as well as the ps3 version so somebody plese help me is this possible that a game pressed on DVD-9 look as good as a blu-ray when so many people said it would not.because i thought that to do a game like this you need 50gig of space.i guess not?

Comment by: wolf503 (May 02, 2008 05:52)


Comment by: nobrainer (May 02, 2008 09:46)

Originally posted by saltynuts:
something i dont understand i do recall people saying that GTA4 would be crap on the 360 because it was not on a blu-ray disk but from what i can see side by side the 360 version looks and plays just as well as the ps3 version so somebody plese help me is this possible that a game pressed on DVD-9 look as good as a blu-ray when so many people said it would not.because i thought that to do a game like this you need 50gig of space.i guess not?

you know i once owned a copy of ff7 on my ps1 that was spread across 4 cd's and it didn't really change enjoyability the game.

lol blu-ray is a storage medium nothing more, they could have sold the game on tape and it would have be as good.

the game is basically the same as is the hardware, both the ps3 and 360 have good and bad points the ps3's has to be the sever lack of ram and the 360 is limited by the dvd drive, but saying that the 2x blu-ray is not fast enough to play the game from the disc and this is why mostly all ps3 titles require an install around 5gig or larger.

all the patter about larger medium, was patter put out by sony bloggers as was the nonsense wash over about backwards compatibility being removed "why play stone age ps2 games on a ps3" ect.

btw the 360 ver of GTA4 is 720p resolution where as the ps3 is only 640 resolution so which is better?

i'll w8 for the pc release so i can choose my resolution.

The IFPI Are: The same anti consumer lot as listed above!

Comment by: wetsparks (May 02, 2008 20:38)

first off no brainer, no one said the cell was easy to program for, except maybe people who work insomniac who are able to put out a game a year. and the 80,000 for gt5p is uk only, first week only, it has sold well over 1 million copies worldwide, not bad for a "demo." Not "mostly all ps3 titles" require an install, not even close. and has been posted on this forum before, the blu ray drive doesn't have the same read rate that a 360 drive does. it may spin slower but it reads more information with the lazer. so even though the 360's dvd drive spins faster, it only reads slightly more data than the ps3's drive.

Comment by: wolf503 (May 03, 2008 03:33)

im buying a video capture card so i can plug it into my PC, even then i can pick my own resolution, but the main reason is so i can play it in my room. no TV in my room :(


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