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Civilization IV Lost Units v1.1 Mod

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Game: Civilization IV
Platform: PC
File type: Mod
Date added: Mar 20, 2006
Downloads: 982

Lost Units adds a number of new units, promotions and other changes to original Civilization IV.

Mod details:

Lost Units Mod for Civilization 4
v1.1 Created by Frontbrecher
Supported Language: English and German

Copy the folder Lost Units including the subfolders to the mods installation
folder (example "C:/Program Files/Sid Meierīs Civilization 4/Mods")of
Civilization 4. Start the game and load the mod Lost Units in the advanced
options of the main menu. Start a new game but don`t use the scenario option!

Changes from the original game:

New Units
(Note: Most units have just a different skin and not a new model)
-Tank Mark V
-Privateer (Special: Will be captured instead of destroyed)
-Ship of the Line
-AEGIS Cruiser
-Commando (Special: Unit can move through impassable terrain)
-Modified Mechanized Infantry
-Modified Cavalry
-Strike Fighter (Special: Unit can destroy ground units)

New Religious Special Units
-Ruji Savant
-Chi Savant
-Siddha Monk
-Aman Spy(Special: Unit can move through impassable terrain and flat movement

New Promotions:
Just a placeholder for the hint that you can build these units only with the
specific state religion.

-Sentry II
exclusive promotion for the AEGIS cruiser.

Additional Modifications:
-Changes of the availability for ships
-Increased production cost for Carrier (requires Uranium) and Battleship
-New textures for the cavalry (additional upgrade to the modern armor)
-New textures and modifications of the Mechanized Infantry
-The original Mechanized Infantry was modified to the IFV
-Removed Navy SEALS, new unique unit of america is the US Cavalry.

V0.1 first public release with the 5 hidden units and the Mujahid.
V1.0 second release with with more units ;).
v1.1 Bugfix for the Trebuchet Unit, didnīt appear in the build menu.


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