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World of Warcraft Colorblind v1.1 Mod

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Game: World of Warcraft
Platform: PC
File type: Mod
Date added: Dec 07, 2006
Downloads: 631

This mod for World of Warcraft non-color indicators to quest levels, money, reputation and therefore helps the colorblind.

Mod details:

Colorblind is a smallish mod with one purpose: To make life easier on the
colorblind (well, to make playing WoW easier atleast).

Disclaimer: I am not colorblind. I have no idea how the world looks for
colorblind people, so I am going by what people say bothers them with the UI
(that I can in any way fix.)

That said, here's what's in the package right now:
* Moneys - Replaces coins with letters (g, s, c).
* MonoCombo - Turns the red dots in the Combo-point display white.
* QuestLogLevels - Shows the levels of your quests by their titles, eg. '[60]
Servant, fetch me a newspaper (Raid)'.
* Tooltip_Rarity - Shows the rarity/quality of an item in it's tooltip. 99.9%
stolen from Micah's ColorBlind. (Why reinvent the wheel? <3)
* TradeskillGains - Shows how likely you are to gain skill from crafting an
item, represented by pluses. (+++ = always gain, ++ likely to gain, etc.)
* UnitReaction - Shows an NPC's reaction towards you in their tooltip. (Hated,
Revered, etc.)

'/cblind' shows the information listed below.
'/cblind mono' to make mob name and mob reaction plain white.
'/cblind color' to make them have the color appropriate for the mob.
'/cblind coins' to show coins.
'/cblind letters' to replace the coins with letters.
'/cblind qlevels' to toggle showing quest levels.
Mod/UI Images

Click to enlarge

Patch Notes

Version 1.1:
- Took control of the project.
- Changed the version number.
- Added the /cblind qlevels command. Toggles the showing of quest levels.
Defaults to on.

The only problem I have been able to find (haven't fixed it yet though :P) is
that Tooltip_Rarity does not work with AIOI. Still works with the regular
backpacks though, so it's a minor inconvenience.


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