This Spanish version of the patch reverts the game from v1.67 to previous version 1.66.
Patch details:
Step 1. Choose Revert Patch Version
Download the revert patch you need from the list below. DO NOT unzip these files. The Update program requires the patch to be in a .zip format.
(to find game version, see picture right)
* English 1.67 to 1.66 revert patch (4.6 MB):
o Atari's Server
o BioWare's Server
* German 1.67 to 1.66 revert patch
(5 MB)
* French 1.67 to 1.66 revert patch
(5 MB)
* Spanish 1.67 to 1.66 revert patch
(5 MB)
* Italian 1.67 to 1.66 revert patch
(5 MB)
Place the revert patch file in your Neverwinter Nights install directory. The default install directory is
"C: \NeverwinterNights \NWN ".
Version number is found in top left-hand corner of the Neverwinter Nights Launcher
Version number is found in top left-hand corner of the Neverwinter Nights Launcher
Step 2. Run the NWUpdate Program
Now select 'Update' from the Neverwinter Nights game launcher, shown above. This will launch the NWUpdate program. Click 'Update' on the NWUpdate program, and it will revert your game to the previous version.