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Army of Two

Army of Two (Xbox 360)

Genre: Shooter | Aka: | Rating: (no votes)

Never go into battle alone! EA's Montreal development studio is changing the face of how people will play games. Delivering a groundbreaking strategic 3rd person co-op shooter unparalleled in the action genre, EA Montreal's ARMY OF TWO focuses on gameplay centered around TWO man missions, TWO man strategies, TWO man tactics and a TWO man advantage

Fight along side your team-mate to become the deadliest two-man military outfit a government can buy. The breakthrough gameplay in ARMY OF TWO, with a live or adaptive AI partner, enables you to take advantage of two-man strategies like customizable weapons, vehicles, and tactical shooting.

From TWO man sniping to parachuting, players will experience action-packed scenarios where they will have to use their wit, strength and a deadly arsenal of shared customizable weapons to successfully defeat their enemies and complete the mission at hand.

Gamers will fight their way through war, turmoil and a conspiracy so vast it threatens the entire world. When one man is not enough, it's going to take an army of two to save us.

Key Features

* Two Man Gameplay - Co-op is no longer a mode, it's the game. Team up with a live or AI partner on two-man missions using two-man tactics to ultimately create an advantage that no enemy can withstand.

* Partner AI - ARMY OF TWO delivers intelligent partner AI (PAI) that interacts, adapts, collaborates and learns from their human partner. The PAI will also react and adjust to the gamer's ability and how they play the game by taking the lead or following, driving strategy or taking orders. It is the dream of the human machine.

* Customizable Weapons - Customize and upgrade dozens of deadly weapons and share them with your partner off or online.

* Dynamic Environments - EA's Montreal studio pulled out all the stops to deliver realistic character and environmental effects including fluid dynamics that showcase open-ocean water-wave simulation as well as High Dynamic Range (HDR) lighting.

* Contemporary Storyline Ripped from the Headlines - ARMY OF TWO will captivate gamers with a politically charged storyline, centering on the impact and ethical issues of Private Military Corporations.

* Online Gameplay - ARMY OF TWO redefines TWO MAN online gameplay with players seamlessly moving from PAI to live players as they make their way through the game.

Screenshots  (6)

Price: from $28.89


Publisher: EA Games | Release date: Mar 06, 2008 | Also available on: PS3 | Official homepage:

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