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Prince of Persia Rival Swords

Prince of Persia Rival Swords (PSP)

Genre: Action | Aka: | Rating: (no votes)

"The Prince of Persia makes his way home to Babylon, bearing with him Kaileena. But instead of the peace he longs for, he finds his kingdom ravaged by war and Kaileena the target of a brutal plot.

When she is kidnapped, the Prince tracks her to the Palace - only to see her murdered by a powerful enemy. Her death unleashes the Sands of Time, which strike the Prince and threaten to destroy everything he holds dear. Cast to the streets, hunted as a fugitive, the Prince soon discovers that the Sands have tainted him, too. They have given rise to a deadly Dark Prince, whose spirit gradually possesses him."

Prince of Persia Rival Swords is a follow-up to the successful Prince of Persia Two Thrones, including all the content from Two Thrones. Rival Swords features a dramatic story with unparalleled depth, adrenaline-pumping action, new chariot combat levels, and a first-of-a-kind multiplayer experience.

Control and master the two characters that have different combat styles, attitudes, and histories. In Prince of Persial Rival Swords you'll have more control over how you eliminate your enemy, whether you want to strangle from afar with Daggertail, or use stealth to inflict sudden death.

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Price: from $26.99


Publisher: Ubisoft | Release date: Apr 03, 2007 | Also available on: Wii | Official homepage:

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