"In Tarr there is no light and dark sides, no right and guilty. It is the world where all the races have united against one enemy, where the struggle is not for resources, but for life. For the life of the dying galaxy.
Battlecruiser Talestra – the flagship of Aliiance Forces – was sent in a remote star system to guard some science groups exploring a long ago abandoned city of ancient race. But owing to a break down in its hyperengine Talestra comes in the wrong part of galaxy. And now the crew has to make a long way to their home: through the worlds populated with alien races, through deserted, desolate systems and sectors controlled by the main enemy of the galaxy - De'Khete."
The player controls a pilot of an elite fighter squad. You'll engage in to space battles with the help of your AI controlled wingmen. The wingmen not only shoot your enemies, but give you report on their maneuvers and advice on combat tactics.
The ship customization system allows you to change and enhance weapons and other equipment between missions. Through ranks and missions you will get access to hangars with more powerful equipment.
You will be able to explore and complete 9 unique missions in a deep storyline in which you can customize your spaceship with more than 150 unique wings, engines, cannons, rockets and other subsystems.