"In a world filled with cruel gods, mythical creatures, lost civilizations and a struggling human race, the mighty barbarian has finally seized the throne as king of Aquilonia. But Conan’s rule is on the brink of chaos, spiraling towards the doom of ancient evils. In this twisted fantasy world, dark magic and brutal combat lurk around every corner, and each man and woman must carve their own unique destiny under Conan’s reign."
Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures, the first Conan RPG, puts players in a dark world to fight for survival against demons and monsters. Meet familiar characters from Conan tales as well as Conan himself. Adventure in the lively world that consists of over 30 regions spread around three nations, Aquilonia, Cimmeria and Stygia.
The game introduces a huge variety of impressive and classic features such as PvP (Player vs. Player), Real Combat Engine, story-driven single-player gameplay, extensive guild system, vast character customization, amazing graphics and 7.1 surround sound.