Adventure in the Original Trilogy of Episode IV A New Hope, Episode V The Empire Strikes Back and Episode VI Return of the Jedi, as LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy follows crusade of Rebel Alliance. Enjoy the favorite moments of the films with more LEGO action, adventure, puzzles and fun than before.
The game includes ridden creatures, vehicles you can get in and out and millions of possibilities to create your heroes from over 50 playable characters' body parts. LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy also features character specific attacks and maneuvers, as well as free-roaming vehicle levels, optional adaptive difficulty mode and much, much more.
The DS version of the game is unique. You can use the touch screen to swap characters on the fly, take full advantage of the Character Customizer, control the camera and swap between all unlocked Characters in Free Play mode. The Wi-Fi connection allows you to play two player co-op and four player versus mode games.