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FIFA 07 Demo (PC)
This FIFA 07 demo lets you play four minutes as one of six teams.
14 Sep, 2006 |
719550 |
FIFA 07 Updated Demo (PC)
This FIFA 07 demo lets you play four minutes as one of six teams, Manchester United, Barcelona, Lyon, Werder Bremen, Guadalajara and AC Milan.
21 Sep, 2006 |
19343 |
FIFA 07 UK EA Downloader Patch (PC)
This patch for the UK EA Downloader version of FIFA 07 fixes crash bugs, tweaks the gameplay and features 257 new and 13 edited players, approx. 2500 updated lineups, and much more.
5 Nov, 2006 |
13618 |
FIFA 07 Roster Update #1 (UK) (PC)
This file updates the roster of UK version of FIFA 07 after closing of the winter season transfer market.
28 Feb, 2007 |
5604 |
FIFA 07 English DVD Patch (Eastern Europe) (PC)
This patch for the Eastern Europe English version of FIFA 07 fixes crash bugs, tweaks the gameplay and features 257 new and 13 edited players, approx. 2500 updated lineups, and much more.
5 Nov, 2006 |
2857 |
FIFA 07 Roster Update #1 (US) (PC)
This file updates the roster of US version of FIFA 07 after closing of the winter season transfer market.
28 Feb, 2007 |
2731 |
FIFA 07 Roster Update #1 (Nordic) (PC)
This file updates the roster of Danish and Swedish versions of FIFA 07 after closing of the winter season transfer market.
28 Feb, 2007 |
2642 |
FIFA 07 UK DVD Patch (PC)
This patch for the UK DVD version of FIFA 07 fixes crash bugs, tweaks the gameplay and features 257 new and 13 edited players, approx. 2500 updated lineups, and much more.
5 Nov, 2006 |
2561 |
FIFA 07 Spanish DVD Patch (PC)
This patch for the Spanish DVD version of FIFA 07 fixes crash bugs, tweaks the gameplay and features 257 new and 13 edited players, approx. 2500 updated lineups, and much more.
5 Nov, 2006 |
2527 |
FIFA 07 Demo v1.0 Raptor Patch (PC)
This v1.0 Raptor patch for FIFA 07 Demo adds new options such as resolution changing and details levels and adds a new Super Quick Load feature.
25 Sep, 2006 |
2021 |